Focus on the goal

Focus on the goal, not the task

Goal-oriented thinking is a powerful way to approach your ambitions. However, it may seem counter-intuitive because it feels like you need to look into the details. Goal orientation involves focusing on the result and how you can achieve it rather than getting bogged down in each task's details.

Goals are critical because they give us direction in life while actively shaping our future. 

Losing sight of the bigger picture can be easy when working on a task. If your goal is to bake a cake and you're thinking about how much flour and sugar you need, it's easy to get distracted. Fixating on whether by weight or volume for hours gets you into analysis paralysis. The adage “Measure twice, cut once” is sound advice.

However, in the end, if you don’t cut, the measurement is a wasted effort. There is value in the details, but knowing when is enough is enough.

When you're focused on the end goal, you'll be able to see what needs to get done. Make a list of the tasks, delegate as needed, and set a time limit. Then, when you reach your goal, how will you measure success? All of these things are part of goal orientation. 

Now that you have a clear goal and a plan of action, it's time to take action.

  • Get started. Someone taught me there is no good writing, only good editing. Don't try to fix the spelling and grammar along the way. If you never finish that novel, with spelling and grammar mistakes and plot holes, you’ll never get it ready for editing and wrap-up. 
  • Be flexible and open to change, but keep yourself from getting sidetracked. 
  • The first step is breaking down your goal into manageable tasks. 
  • Reward yourself for achieving goals. Celebrating your successes and the journey is essential, not just the result.
  • Focus on progress, not perfection. You can be flawed for your work or efforts to matter. Read “Of Perfection, there is no end” 
  • Don't be too hard on yourself! It can be easy for us human beings who are prone towards self-criticism anyway (and who live in a world where social media makes everything look like everyone else has their life together) but remember: no one else knows how much effort went into your project.

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