
You are the author of your own story.

The power of choice makes us human- it allows us to create our destiny rather than letting fate dictate what happens next. Free will is a unique ability. 

But sometimes we forget this fact because so many things are pulling on us from all sides: family traditions, societal expectations, peer pressure...the list goes on. Even our inner voice tells us stories based on history and messages from many sources. 

External influences can be challenging for us as individuals who want control over our destinies while respecting those around us. Other people have different plans or make different choices they would like to see us fulfill or perhaps avoid. It’s your life, and you have complete agency over it. As you matured, learned, and grew, guidance was vital, but it didn’t end there. It’s up to you to harvest the parts of that. 

To tell the story of your life, you need to understand it. To do that, take some time to reflect on the events and experiences that have shaped it. Just write them down. There is time for reflection later.

As an author, you can freely write the story. It’s much like what my boss said before my first business trip. “Spend money like it was your own,” was the message. I spend too little and might not be happy or rested in my accommodations. Spend too much, and it might be my last business trip. You decide what person you want to be and what kind of life will bring meaning and fulfillment into your days.

You have the choice over where and with whom you spend your time; what diet works best for your body; whether or not exercise is appropriate for your needs; how much sleep is proper; who will be part of your inner circle of friends and family members; which hobbies are worth pursuing, it’s a great character sheet. 

If you want to make it very tangible, here are some thoughts.

  • Create a positive narrative.
  • Write it in now and in the affirmative. For example, “I am a great writer” versus “I will learn to be the best writer.”
  • When you say it, you must do it as well.
  • Live with purpose
  • If you have a cause, dedicate time to it and the necessities in your life. 
  • Define your values and remember that all of this can evolve through your life.
  • Vision your future
  • For those attuned to sights and colors, create a vision board. Put out the elements of your story in a visual context. For example, fig trees have had a special meaning to me for over 50 years.
  • Accept self-care. 
  • Write out your favorite ways to enjoy yourself and recharge. Make it a periodic ritual.

Whether these are your daily thoughts, affirmations, a journal, or a letter to yourself, the choice is yours.

“Creative Visualization” by Shakti Gawain is foundational when authoring your narrative. With 7M copies in print, it’s worth 15 minutes to skim the table of contents and some excerpts. 

Are you ready to write?

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